Lost Horizon 1973 - Share the Joy (Filme: Horizonte Perdido)

"Share the Joy" from the motion picture sountrack of Lost Horizon (1973)

Friendly doors open wide.

Come and share the peaceful life you will find inside.

Share the Joy.

Let the sun comfort you.

It will keep you safe and warm, always shining through.

Share the Joy.

All the lovely songs you will hear,

these we all hold dear.

At the same time,

all the grandest things we possess,

these we value less.

So many small things can bring happiness.

Love is in all things.

Flowers bloom, people grow.

You may never want to leave, when it's time to go.

Share the Joy.

Mountains rise, mountains fall.

You have nothing more to prove. You have climbed them all.

Now you're here.

May you stay and Share the Joy.

(Orchestra Interlude)

Now you're here.

May you stay and Share the Joy.

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011 - 22:49

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