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Maria Letra
Maria Letra's picture


8.364 Thu,18-Oct-2018
Paulo Gomes Porto
Paulo Gomes Porto's picture
Enterrado vivo

Abre os olhos,
Não deixes que te enterrem vivo.
Grita, batalha, não...

1.316 1 Tue,01-May-2012
Pinguim's picture
A Fé, O Sorriso, O Abraço e as ASAS!


Eu hoje acredito
ainda com mais força e convicção...

1.824 Fri,20-Jan-2012
vanesitapoet's picture
I Hate-I Loathe

I hate being caught in a storm
and getting soak and wet, but
when it is hot and...

3.375 Wed,04-Jan-2012
suellen cibele
suellen cibele's picture

Apenas uma Menina é uma menina simples que se deparou com um desconhecido em um mundo...

1.930 Wed,21-Sep-2011
Allefe's picture
Tribute to Amy Winehouse

Tribute to Amy Winehouse

All of this Allegory
And your feet touch the ground...

2.250 Sun,24-Jul-2011
poetpete's picture
Intervention (for Russ)

When did the urge begin?
While you were in school?
Was it something you heard or...

4.489 Mon,16-May-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture
Youth Solution

Rise of the race

Praised and embraced

Calm ambition in the gate


4.385 Tue,10-May-2011
edgareslit's picture
Legacy Lingers


I was totally awaken
when my grandparents...

2.613 Tue,10-May-2011
princess_om's picture
mind manipulation

pink pink dimension

with blue seas

with blue skies

in a strange...

1.406 Tue,29-Mar-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture
The world is a family... NOT!!!

the bastards are waiting to arise
to surprise our own peace of mind
they govern...

4.188 Wed,16-Mar-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture
The Crimson River World

The Crimson silver river
Running long through metal fields
Is saying down the...

4.190 Wed,16-Mar-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture

We think we are free
in this shit society
but we are just another ones

4.262 Wed,16-Mar-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture
As it was in the beginning and what brings us closer to the end

some more movement
slowly forget
no one has to bear...

3.740 Wed,16-Mar-2011
Ze_Reis's picture
Bricks and A Roof

Homestyle? Is there any?
My house is my own!

The mirrors reflect only a foggy...

2.028 Thu,10-Mar-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture
The jigsow puzzle of diference in classes

no wonder on this place
just sorrow and...

5.015 Sat,05-Mar-2011
ski's picture

First a world all mine

Eating odours

1.639 Sun,06-Feb-2011

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