What's On Your Mind (John Denver)

Whats On Your Mind
John Denver

You know sometimes I cant get to sleep at night
I cant quiet my heart or my mind
I toss and turn, I ache and burn
I get caught in the passing of time

Its like too many miles, too many heartaches
Too much that needs to be done
Yes and too many sidewalks, too many people
Too many hours done

Whats on your mind
Whats on my mind
Is really quite the same
Ive been working so hard
And Im ready to play
I know just the right game

Whats on your mind
Is whats on my mind
Thats the way its gonna be
Im gonna find me a place I can hide
I want you right next to me

On Ive never seen a more beautiful day
Its my favorite time of year
The colors are changing, shes rearranging
And Im so glad to be here

Ive been up and around, Ive been lost, Ive been found
Ive seen love face to face in my dreams
And the things that I know and the things that I show
Are not always just what they seem

Whats on your mind
Is whats on my mind
Its just that way
Its like catching a ride
On a beautiful river
Let it carry us all away

Whats on your mind
And whats on my mind
Is really nothing new
I want to get you alone
I want to make you my own
Baby, I want to make love with you

Whats on your mind
And whats on my mind
Is really quite the same
Ive been working so hard
And Im ready to play
Baby, I know just the right game

Whats on your mind
And whats on my mind
Is really nothing new
I want to get you alone
I want to make you my own
Baby, I want to make love with you

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Sunday, March 27, 2011 - 11:14

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