Wind Beneath My Wings (Israel Kamakawiwo'ole)

Wind Beneath My Wings

Composition: Israel Kamakawiwo'ole

It must have been cold there in my shadow,
to never have some light on your face,
you were contend to let me shine,thats your way
You always walk a step behind.
So I was the one with all the glory
While you were the one with all the stremgth
A beautiful face without a name for so long
A beautiful smile to hide the pain

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
And everything I would like to be
I can fly higher than an eagle
But you are the wind beneath my wings

It might have been beautiful I know this
But I got it all here in my heart
I want you to know I know the truth, cause I know you
I would be nothing without you.

Did you ever know that you're my hero
Your everything I wish I could be
I would fly higher than an eagle
cause you are the wind beneath my wings

Did I ever tell you,you're my hero?
You're everything,everything I wish I could be
Oh and I ,I can fly higher than an eagle
But you're the wind beneath my wings
but you are the wind beneath my wings
Oh the wind beneath my wings
Oh you ,you are the wind beneath my wings
Fly,fly,fly away you let me fly so high
oh you, you're the wind beneath my wings
oh you you are the wind beneath my wings
fly , fly , fly higher than the stars
so high I almost touch the sky
Thank you, thank you , thank god for you're the wind beneath my wings

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Monday, March 28, 2011 - 19:37

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