I want to go home

I want to go home,
I want to go back
To see
My gardens, my beautiful gardens
and my home in spring
There,flowers will smile to me.

I want to go home.
There I can be happy,
There I can see stars,
There I can sing.

I want to go back my home
Yes, I want
Because there I"m free
There I can be happy.

Submited by

Saturday, September 26, 2009 - 21:38

Poesia :

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LiceSoares's picture
Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 2 days ago
Joined: 07/10/2009
Points: 1108


MarneDulinski's picture

Re: I want to go home

Minha querida amiga, gostaria de comentar, mas só arranho o Inglês, poderia até traduzir, mas prefiro sempre homenagear e prestigiar a Língua Portuguesa de nossa Pátria Mãe, também nosso Amigo Portugal!
Com carinho e respeito,

FlaviaAssaife's picture

Re: I want to go home


This is great! I can be happy when I read your poetry.

Kisses ;-)

LiceSoares's picture

Re: I want to go home

Thank you, Flávia.
kisses in your heart, my friend.

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