Sleeping eyes
wake up wild rivers tears
on my soul ride to every place.

know how to testimony
the prison echo’s of my losing passion lips.

So many dreams
roll fast like a revenge sword
strength of mind from never ending nights.

I walk alone in myself nightmare.

Night after night
I feel angry winds
of tenderness shadows
on my ceiling face of rush songs
in atmosphere of nothing valley in death.

Star under star
rising and falling
virgin’s dust safaris
on my pass through visions philosophy.

No sense water shout
innocent lyrics of mistaken shines
about hurt feelings on my wicked bells
of love turn over the end of poetry universe.

without size in side of me
are made of silence communication
from collapse eclipse in my frozen queens.

Crazy words
are deep hard to say
day by day from this false
toxic life play on my waste oxygen.

My arms
take romantic doors open
to the fate like a running eagle
from thunder voices of tomorrow ivories.

I break
the rules of mortal been
on my seal windows to extended avenues
in this funeral circus in the nudity of severe kisses.

Submited by

Jueves, Enero 13, 2011 - 19:37

Poesia :

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Imagen de Henrique
Título: Membro
Last seen: Hace 9 años 32 semanas
Integró: 03/07/2008
Points: 34815

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