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Clouds Marching Through My Atmosphere
Clouds Marching Through My Atmosphere
I see us all in prayer we note
forgiveness of sin
together in hope
we share all the faults, we share what we feel
open arms to expand into the isle of oceans
if I could open my mouth wide enough for the clouds to march out
opening to sing and to bounce off all the buildings
I would crave into this world
to see in all directions at the same time
it is true what you said
that I live in fear
yet when the sun shines through again
I will be here to hold you close
empty or half full, slowly rising with comfort in the sound
I feel this moment is what I've awaited
never before have I felt this way
slowly rising this love that will drown
like before there is comfort in the sound
empty or half full
like love one day it will drown
and I will be there to hold you close
and with a kiss the moments coming down
yet to feel such sorrow
where I set my thoughts too far off destinations
so you may find me one day far from here
far from being near
the mind created diversions
yet you discover
what hurts the most
and with filthy hands we wash one another
with lungs left in both of our shoes
where the only song I want to hear
is the melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
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