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Elle Franco
Elle Franco's picture
Equals to...


2.937 Fri,19-Oct-2012
JoanaSilva's picture
Who we are

Every new day is another chance to change all your life.

A new sunrise has born to fill...

4.742 Sat,06-Oct-2012
Maryaha's picture
Mayber, maybe

It's hard to meet people that want to know you as much as you do. I's bad when you...

3.071 Tue,11-Sep-2012
JoanaSilva's picture
Flying blind around fields of gold

I’ve been flying blind around fields of gold.
I’ve felt nothing but love since...

5.085 Sun,05-Aug-2012
andreiacaracas's picture
I miss something... You



4.185 Sat,10-Sep-2011
kalp's picture
Blind People

Uln, construct delicately, the linden wood surfaces ensuing to be paint. Yet does not have a...

5.093 Tue,26-Jul-2011
edgareslit's picture
The Epilogue (Balbal-5)

The Epilogue (Balbal-5)
By: Edgar R. Eslit

5.113 Fri,13-May-2011
Rui Lima
Rui Lima's picture
always remember this

"always remember this: its not when things are bad that you've got...

7.235 Thu,12-May-2011

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