All in one, the one in the whole.

All in one, the one in the whole.

The misguided and foolish thought of Man is destructive.
Science without conscience is spoiled.

All in one, the one in the whole.
So it will be, when at the unison the mental
human universe reaches equilibrium and the thought
will be transformed in sound, light and love.

The occult extraterrestrial forces send positive thoughts
to Humanity through telepathy, but man is deaf
and asleep in his self- egocentrism.

The thoughts and negative actions sown in the ether from
uncontrolled minds of human beings turn into poisonous
clouds that accumulates dangerously around our planet,
forming a hood of destructive energy, and so the balance
of nature is crumbling and becomes uncontrollable.

The minds of illuminated men
visualizes the soul of Mother Earth enveloped by
divine light in an attempt to purify it by dissolving
the obscure halo that suffocates her.

Let us join in this cry of love and heal our planet Earth
and return the light to our brothers of the universe.

To evolve means to approach love and universal laws
unknown to men on earth, because wrapped in the fogs of doubt.
The uncontrolled minds will undergo the weight of their
irresponsibility and will be condemned to suffering.

It is only the man who separates and divides, because
he dances between the shadowy hills of ignorance.

All in one, the one in the whole. So it will be when
all human minds will reach equilibrium and
at the unison the thought will be sound, light and love.



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Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 21:32

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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