The demon of fear

The demon of fear

We are what we are, we seem
to be a circle of love, but when
our uncontrolled mind expands
we get lost in the dark forest of suffering.

Fear is a demon that slowly chokes,
and tears apart those who feels it

Our inner unconscious world
is a creation of misdirected mind.

We are the creators of our own destiny
and then of the uncontrolled mental world.

Let erase our fear and rewrite
a controlled future full of light.

We are fragments of God coming
on earth to increase our eternal soul
of knowledge, advancing the creation
together with our Eternal Father.

Each experience, positive or negative,
permits us to grow up and climb the green
mountains of our mental universe.

Let feed our minds of
light, breaking down the door that
keeps us prisoners in darkness.

Fear is an obscure evil that
stops the evolution of the soul.

Fear is a net that envelops the victim
and closes her up in the black chest of suffering

Courage is the warrior who fights the darkness
with light and wins his mental battle.

We are what we are, we seem to be
a circle of love and not of pain.


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Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 21:17

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
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