The heart of Spike

The heart of Spike

A ball of white curls blooded was
rolling on the playground, kicked
by a group of demons mashed by
young with a heart of stone.

The ball was rolling, while you could hear
the howling of the animal suffering.

Spike's heart was pounding very fast,
for fear, pain and for the wire
barbed that penetrated its limbs.

The crazy sneered fun, while
mercilessly they continued kicking
the small dog trying to make a goal.

This is the story of Spike, the dog
found abandoned, bleeding, dying and with
the barbed wire that still were tearing his meat.

An angel of the road has collected him,
cared for, consulate and torn out of death.

Today Spike dance in the thought of
thousands of benefactors who would adopt him
and give him their love

This is the story of ruthless torturers
heartless that for their ignorance
they will be collected from the black wings of sufferance
and convicted by the law of cause and effect to atone
their crimes in the name of divine justice.

And now you, fools without intellect, do not guffaws
asserting that the divine law of
cause and effect does not exist, because once again
you illus yourself with the risk to
be swallowed up in the spiral of sufferance
for your stupidity.




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Monday, May 16, 2011 - 15:54

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 2 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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