Hey you, rude and irresponsible!

Hey you, rude and irresponsible!

My heart is pounding while I see everywhere
cigarette butts, trash, plastic bottles thrown in
parks, fields, ditches, on the streets of our cities.

My heart anguish is silent, while I would like to shout
to each of you to wake up from indifference.

Hey you, that you are going smoking your cigarette without
thinking at the poison that will delaine the temple
of your soul and our planet Earth.

Hey you, damned by your actions without wisdom, that you have no
respect for yourself, nor for our diamond of blue-green light.

Hey you, bad luck exists only for those
who gathers it with his unworthy actions.

Hey you, who throw cigarette butts everywhere without thinking
about your shameful acts against nature, your city and your fellow men.
Hey you, rude and irresponsible!

Look at you at the mirror poor of intellect,
you can not be spirits worthy of living on this planet,
you focus only on the nectar of your death,
without thinking at the pollution and little respect
you have for humanity and for yourself.

Luck is an energy that follows the good deeds, bad luck is an
energy that follows the bad actions that nobody can escape.

Hey you, convoluted heartless, responsible of
your bad luck, you do not deserve to live among the plains,
lakes and green hills of this beautiful star.

Hey you, your are condemned by your uncivilized actions,
Get an examination of conscience, meditate,
shame on you, transform yourself into angels who deserve
living on the heart of our Mother Earth.

Rebel to your inner evil and make your human revolution.

Submited by

Monday, May 16, 2011 - 15:45

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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