Send light

Send light

Divine Spirit, tells me what I need to know:

"You sow light in the heart of humanity,
transmit the gold to those who need to illuminate
their obscurity and may so prevent crimes.

Send light to your brothers buried in the cave
of mental slavery, without judging their faults.
Send unconditional energy that radiates
every dark alley of the minds
crystallized in their folly

Claim the divinity of your DNA to heal
your conditioned mind and sick body.

Send your message of love to Gaia,
She will listens to you because will recognize your old soul,
from the sound of your DNA, from the night of time ".

The Divine Spirit smiles and continues:

"Your energy of light has left its footprints
on the planet from when your soul has reborn
on the body of your Mother Earth,
She will recognize you and obey to your
love call for the good of humanity.

Ask that earthquakes, hurricanes, floods,
vomit of the poison ingested by Gaia,
caused by your evil thoughts, to be sent
away from the populations, in the depths of the
oceans, without causing tidal waves and
therefore spare the children of the sky.

Send your powerful unconditioned light
to the heart of humanity, to the world,
that will illuminate and will offer the sound
of balance to the Earth universe,
so the winds of folly will vanish forever
and love will triumph”.

Submited by

Thursday, May 26, 2011 - 21:21

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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