In The Silence of a Heartbeat

I can hear your voice vibrating
Every string hidden within my soul,
Tenderly calling my name, my breathe was taken…
And there wasn’t even need a sound to soar.

In the silence of a heartbeat
All the love was shared away…
No masks, no veils, not a single secret
Was kept shut down,
It was clear as the brightest day.

In the silence of a heartbeat,
I still hear those words resounding,
Bringing life to my world,
Bringing back my colors
Lovely, as a perfect winter morning.

A whole universe created…

In the silence of a heartbeat.

Clara Maria Cristina Borges de Medeiros
Itaboraí, September 29th, 2022

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Saturday, May 4, 2024 - 00:37

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