Two drops of light in the desert

Two drops of light in the desert

Palestine, Israel,
wake up your sleeping hearts, scroll
your uncontrolled minds.
Let the sun of peace bright upon your souls.
Cut the chains of aggression
and you will discover that you are victims of your own resentment.

Two people, two drops of light in the desert!
Two people, two stars switched off by hatred!

Israel, Palestine,
collect the blood that you have sown
in the wind, and pour it into the precious goblet of peace.

Do not let anger
extinguish that sparkle
that still Light your sick hearts.

Palestine, Israel,
sown light, forgive, destroy animosity
that consumes you, with gestures of love and reconciliation.
Brothers, water the olive trees thirsty of peace
and love, because they want to grow in your deserts.

Two people, two drops of light in the desert!
Two people, two stars switched off by hatred!
Israel, Palestine,
turn on your suns and be guided by love!
Purify your polluted heart!

Quiet the sand storms
in your arid minds and your sorrows
will become a garden of light and peace.

Your deformed fruits,
have brought pain and destruction
on your stone hills thirsty of love.

The Almighty has not drawn boundaries.
Love has no colour or race.
Hatred is the direct line leading to the self-destruction.

Palestine, Israel,
turn on your sun and warm the fossilized and
suffering heart of your brothers.

Love has no colour or race.
Hatred is the direct line leading to the self-destruction.
Love is the sun of peace


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Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 15:59

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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