Universal Mandala

Universal Mandala

Reflected lights fall on the earth from the Universal. Mandala

Bringing enlightenment to the evolved souls
and dropping wisdom in men’s confused minds
in the oblivion ground.

There won’t be any short or easy way for the son of man,
that will dig into the rock step by step,
in order to climb the ladder
that leads to knowledge.

Reflected lights fall on the earth from the Universal Mandala.

The Divine Wisdom of light water her children
struggling against their mental hell.

There won’t be peace, but sorrow for the man who
have not abandoned the hatred, the desire and ignorance.

The Divine aid flows always from distant times
of the past at the Universal mind of man that fights
to come up at the sunshine.

No one is alone on earth, no one is left
in his mental darkness, the angels of
light are ready to pour the gold of the universal wisdom
on anyone desiring to leave the hell created
from corrupted minds.

Reflected lights fall on the earth from the Universal Mandala.







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Tuesday, May 17, 2011 - 15:37

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Elisabetta Errani Emaldi

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 05/14/2011
Points: 340

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