We must wake up, brothers!
We must wake up, brothers!
The Knights of the gold brain and the skull of crystal
fly into the mystery of death to defeat it.
Fluctuate with the mind the Knights of the invention,
in the universal tank of Creation
and generate new machines on Earth to save the sick
bodies of people from suffering and death.
We must wake up from the sleep of ignorance,
brothers, let us not being terrorized
from the fear of death.
The soul is eternal
only our bodies will fall into dust.
Our essence of light will go back in the other dimension
and at the sound of other lyrics, so to have the opportunity
of different experiences.
The new machines should not serve to condemn
souls in their casings to vegetate.
We must wake up, men. For ignorance
we commit brutal crimes
and this is another injustice
that lacks the spirit of its freedom.
We must wake up, from the sleep of indifference, men,
ignorance and prejudices
must be abandoned
because they are the evils that condemn humanity
to other cruel and unnecessary suffering.
When the body of a creature is condemned
to his bedside without the hope to rise, the machines
should not and can not be used to extend
the agony and imprisonment of the soul on Earth.
We nourish the body, but we must leave soul
free to return quickly to the Celestial Temple,
to the arms of the Father, in the universe.
We must wake up, men, do not prolong the agony
to whom has finished his earthly experience,
for our great ignorance.
Fly into the mystery of Death the
Knights of the gold brain and of the crystal of skull,
but only to save the lives of human beings who must
continue their mission on Earth.
We must wake up, people, we must not condemn suffering in
a housing plant the spirit of one of our similar
at the time of his release,
when he has finished his earthly mission.
We must wake up, brothers, and let
fly into the mystery of Death the
Knights of the gold brain and of the skull of crystal,
but only to restore life to those who are still destined
to continue his mission on Earth without vegetate.
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