There were dry leaves on the ground...

The time was hot but my face was cold
And my body was wet by drops of sweat.

A great anguish took care of my thoughts...
I wanted to speak something but I couldn’t
Hear any words from me... I was doped!

Suddenly I could feel some tears in my eyes.
Yes! I was crying but I couldn’t understand
The reason of this...Would I be mad? I thought.
There weren’t any troubles in my life. I was free!

Then I saw a deep hole around me. Much sand.
Near this sand there were some crows waiting...
But waiting what?  What was it happening?
A funeral music splashed sounds in my ears,
So I understood that I was dying in that moment!

By Ivan de Oliveira Melo

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Sunday, September 27, 2020 - 00:21

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