Eves Regret

How gullible could I have been
having no experience, losing my integrity
experimenting with new things
thinking I was strong minded
and the taste being so sweet
the colors so unique
they attracted me
now I sit against this
forbidden tree, with
my head rested against
bent knees, "why me"
In my own disbelief crying
tears that no one will hear

What will become of me?
I will never have friends
everyone will blame me
for this first mistake

No forgiveness I have from
my Father above

A new born baby in a body
of a woman, with no
experience and little knowledge
of what things could be

I disobeyed, why did I have
to be born anyway?
the punishment is just to deep
He even disinherited me

I carry childbearing pains
to pass on till the end
I didn't mean no harm at all
just wanted to experiment
to better any wrong decisions
I could make
not everyone should suffer
for the poor choice I've made

never meant to be selfish, first
you have to learn to be greedy
by taking what isn't yours
I'm still learning the meaning
of words,

I can't change any of this now
the world will talk against me
won't be able to tell them how
hard it was being at the garden
alone with a man
they will blame me, it is written
in the book

I will never be able to say "I'm sorry"
"Forgive me" to mankind


By. Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 13:28

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