Silent Outburst

Alone there I was, crying without tears
The wind having no purpose to dry them
Drops of tears with no puddle to fill
Silent moans lifting tears up to the highest cloud

Tears spilled in my soul, held back to be unknown
Waterless tears like the ones a lad is told to shed,
by his father when taught that men don't cry

The wet salt that warms my lips not to be looked upon
Not one soul should know my weakness
Each drop dripping down to the depth of my heart
wiped clean with the valor amassed for purpose

An awakening by the eagles caw caught my eyes and
turned into a museum before my eyes, changing the
way things were and are
The skies opened up to pour cool tears
and there was chance to cry secretly

A stream running straight down on my cheek bones
The heavy load pressing against the empty
cavity in my chest began to subside
Clarity began to sober me up
And so there we were, the rain, my tears and I
crying together and not one soul knew our secret


Vanessa Ramos

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Thursday, April 21, 2011 - 19:58

Poesia :

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