Falling Into The Oceans Mouth

Falling Into The Oceans Mouth

I'm so sick of this part
where to begin and how to start
way too young to be broken and way too beautiful to fall apart
but yet every time I try, you walk away like I'm nothing, what is wrong with me

The tree sways to the cold winds beat, falling to the oceans mouth
a tear off the shore brings upon a cloud holding the doubt
how can I trust that I will make it through
when what's left to settle is nothing but what I have lost

When the memory is all that stains what I feel
to keep this closely in detail

"Trust in me”
you once said
with a bottle in your palm, but when I looked away, you were gone
no one has stayed for me
not one has kept their promise to stick around

Broken inside I don't want to see the same face in the mirror
my reflection haunts my mind and now I'm so scared

I count the stars in the sky
but I got lost at twenty two
fading out of memory of all who once knew me
of all that I once knew
fading completely
afar astray
still crying for more
with mirrors sideways
just like always
still your once lover

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Friday, May 6, 2011 - 17:19

Poesia :

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