Left with a Hole

you ever see tee vee shows, or in the movies
how some protagonist would fall into a coma
i don't know from what, a gun shot, a car crash

well, every time they wake up from their coma
and they're under from like four weeks to four years
they come to and they're mentally just fine

they talk in complete sentences,
and they remember what happened to them
right up until the catastrophe

But let me be the voice of experience
in the real world, that's not the way it goes
you don't remember what happened right before

the coma began, you'll wake up confused
because your long-term memory never got the chance
to save your short-term memories from that fateful day

when you wake up, you'll have to train yourself
to walk and talk and eat again
you'll fall out of your hospital bed trying to leave

you'll want to kill the people who did this to you
you'll want to scream your story to the world
as they put you in restraints at night

you know, for your own protection

you'll want to rip that food tube out of you,
but you'll be afraid to put food in your mouth.
look, you'll have to remind yourself

that you've done this before, it's not hard, everyone does it
put some food on a fork, put it in your mouth,
remove fork, start chewing, and just swallow.

I know it seems strange, but you can do this.

you have to build your life again, piece by piece,
I mean, you did this from scratch when you were a baby,
you're an adult now, you can retrain yourself

people will ask you if you remember what happened to you
that fateful day, and they'll think it's just like the movies
and everyone just snaps out of their coma good as new

you won't know how to tell them
that you'll never be as good as new
and nothing you can say will make them understand

that even though you woke up,
those bastards who did this to you, they took so much
that you can't even remember

the seconds before your life was forever changed for the worse.
you're left with a hole. they even took your memories
of the last seconds of your life from you

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 13:48

Poesia :

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