(singer: Filipa Azevedo)

I went into my room
Feeling lonely.
To push away the doom,
I did one thing only:
I revived my sense
Of what to fight for.
My wish was intense.
Oh, I could wait no more.
I used to close my eyes
And see no future at all.
Between joys and cries,
I saw my chances fall.
I now love my new life
And everything in me.
My heart is full of delight
My soul is feeling free.

Never say never
To any open doors,
As you may lose, forever,
The right sense of yours.
Let your sun light up
All the ways you walk on.
Raise, at night, your cup,
Bless, with love, every dawn.

My mind flies about,
Reaching for the sky,
Pulling me, without,
My understanding why.
To my surprise, I saw
In that space so blue,
A large and open door,
To make my dream come true.

My heart jumps with joy,
My thoughts are butterflies.
Nothing will ever destroy,
The reason for all my sighs.

Never say never
To any open doors,
As you may lose, forever,
The right sense of yours.
Let your sun light up
All the ways you walk on.
Raise, at night, your cup,
Bless, with love, every dawn.

Maria Letra
May 2009

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Monday, February 11, 2013 - 04:23

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Maria Letra

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