Thinking of you ...

I walked around the house all night
to concentrate
I wonder what I do
but I can only think

Thinking of you

The phone does not ring
my friends are at home
together with their families
and here I made the wounded bird roasts

thinking of you

I'm tired of being alone
I turned the radio to hear
our music
and entertain me

Thinking of you

Love on departure,
I realized I was passionate
The days and nights seem to have no end
I am a poor guy

just think of you

the food lost its taste,
the drink should not act as
Everything is out of place,
I go crazy every day

thinking of you

I still drive around
seeking a place to entertain
look for familiar faces,
but can not find anyone to smile

I kept thinking about you

this is torture,
this is painful,
walk comes to me
give me a warm hug

ja do not know what to think
I do not know what to do
I will just continue,
continue to think

Thinking of you  

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Friday, May 20, 2011 - 17:57

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