All About You

It's always been the same
Ever since the beginning
I looking for you
I asking for you
I waiting for a chance
to be with you
I looking for a way
to be with you

It was always about you
That's right you were always
about you, yourself and you

Now it's about me
and who I want to be with
these words might hurt deep
cause they come from me

I waited long enough
I gave enough time
Seasons came and went
and you had an excuse

I gave you a chance
and chances
too many
You have never been true

Only a man of words
making me mine
with words
but words are like air
disappearing into vapor
words are like rain
that drys in time

those words you once
said I heard them clear
they lived in my heart
but the time came and went
and those words moved out!

By: Vanessa Ramos aka. vanesitapoet

Submited by

Saturday, May 3, 2014 - 17:15

Poesia :

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