You'll always remember me

You've never been what I needed.
So, go on, leave me alone,
follow your way, my dear.

But, don't forget one truth:
you'll always remember me,
because you failed me,
you brought so many tears
so many sorrows.

I hope you can remember
how cruel you've been,
how unhappy have been
our days, in which 
you used to sacrifice me.

I'm tired of all you blindness,
your selfish desires, your
poor childish opinions 
and your rude words.
You can go on,
because I'll overcome
this and forget you,
but you, you'll always remember me.

You'll always remember me
because I am your blame,
making you see your soul
like a mirror, in which 
you can see your sins,
your misdeeds and
your blindness.

Because of this, have no doubt,
you'll always remember me.

Submited by

Sunday, September 16, 2012 - 10:00

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 7 years 50 weeks ago
Joined: 03/21/2011
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