the fake: World Cup Italy 90 VS Germany Economy rise VS the Internet emerging

In the early 90's, in 1990 to be more exact, there was an football/soccer world cup in Italy.

It was a time that economy in Europe started going sower.... Some instability in the markets. Some instability in the houses markets....

But then it happened, so they say, Germany won the "Italia 90" World Cup and the economy bursted... Germany economy, and the rest of European economy started to flourish again!!!!

Some more amazed, started to make it an notorious situation. -"how can it be, a world cup changed the entire German and European economy?!?!?!?"

some even made their master degrees and there doctor-ships based on it.

the most fake analyses possible.

As everyone knows in the late 1980, early 1990's, it was the time of the emergent internet to appear.

And with the internet... internet Businesses.... Sales... global Businesses… global sales…etc...

And so the unstable German and European economy's thrived, and flourished.

And that happened for more than a decade. 10 years of economical growth.... Of Europe rising over all economically speaking...

And that was doo to??? -"Germany wining the Italy football world cup!!!!" many and many said…

but no... it was just the arising of internet, and is based internet economy.

And now with the Internet full establish in the urban/industrialized parts of the planet.... the real prove of that is that Spain gained Euro Cup 2008 and the South Africa world cup, and there economy got even worse...

And this Asian country's aside, because then in the 1990 they were already the more productive country's, industrially speaking, in planet.

for those more theoretical, or that say that there is lack of paperwork analysis, go look at the stats and economical charts of 1990-2010 decades and analyze them properly...

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Friday, August 5, 2011 - 21:11

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Rui Lima

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