And You and I (Jon Anderson & Yes, live at Montreux 2003)

And You and I


A man conceived a moment’s answers to the dream.

Staying the flowers, daily sensing all the themes,

As a foundation left to create the spiral aim,

A movement regained and regarded both the same,

All complete, in the sight of seeds of life with you.


Changed only for a sight of sound the space agreed

Between the picture of time, behind the face of need

Emotion revealed as the ocean maid

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.


Coins and crosses never know their fruitless worth,

Cords are broken, locked inside the Mother Earth,

They won't hide, hold they won't tell you

Watching the world, Watching all of the world, Watching us go by.


And you and I climb over the sea to the valley,

And you and I reach out for the reasons to call.

Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,

Emotion revealed as the ocean maid.

As a movement regained and regarded both the same,

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.


Sad preacher nailed upon the color door of time,

Insane teacher be there reminded of the rhyme,

There will be no mutant enemy we shall certify,

Political ends as sad remains will die,

Reach out as forward tastes begin to enter you.


I listened hard but could not see life tempo change out, and inside me.

The preacher trained in all to lose his name,

The teacher travels asking to be shown the same.


In the end we’ll agree, we’ll accept, we’ll immortalize that the truth of the man maturing in his eyes

All complete in the sight of seeds of life with you.


Coming quickly to terms of all expression laid,

A movement regained and regarded both the same.

Emotion revealed as the ocean maid.

A clearer future, morning, evening, nights with you.


And You and I climb crossing the shapes of the morning,

And You and I reach over the sun for the river,

And You and I climb clearer towards the movement,

And You and I call over valleys of endless seas.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011 - 16:54

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