Bitter Blue (Cat Stevens)

Bitter blue

Cat Stevens

I gave my last chance to you
Don't hand it back to me bitterblue
No bitterblue
Yes, I've done all one man can do
Don't pass me up oh bitterblue
My bitterblue
Yes, I've been running a long time
On this travelling ground
Wishing hard to be free
Of going round and round
Yes I've been moving a long time
But only up and down
I gave my last hope to you
Don't hand it back to me bitterblue
My bitterblue
I've done all one man can do
Please help me lose this bitterblue
My bitterblue
Cause I've been waiting a long time
Aeons been and gone --
looking at the horizon
For my light to dawn
Oh yes I've been living a long time
Looking on and on
I've been running a long time
Summers come and gone --
Drifting under the dream clouds
Past the broken sun --
Yes I've been living a long time
To be back beyond
I gave my lst chance to you
Don't hand it back bitterblue
My bitterblue
I've done all one man can do
Don't pass me up oh bitterblue
My bitterblue, bitterblue
I gave my last chance to you
Don't hand it back to me bitterblue

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Monday, February 7, 2011 - 19:29

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