Fly away (John Denver)

Fly Away
John Denver

All of her days have gone soft and cloudy
All of her dreams have gone dry
All of her nights have gone sad and shady
She's getting ready to fly

Fly away, fly away, fly away.

Life in the city can make you crazy
For sounds of the sand and the sea
Life in a high-rise can make you hungry
For things that you can't even see

Fly away, fly away, fly away.

In this whole world there's nobody as lonely as she
There's nowhere to go and there's nowhere
That she'd rather be.

She's looking for lovers and children playing
She's looking for signs of the spring
She listens for laughter and sounds of dancing
She listens for any old things

Fly away, fly away, fly away.

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Sunday, March 27, 2011 - 11:06

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