J.S. Bach - Sheep May Safely Graze (Emma Kirkby, soprano)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1775)-"Sheep May Safely Graze" (Recitative and Aria "Schafe können sicher weiden")
Emma Kirkby-Soprano
From cantata "Was mir behagt", BWV 208
With the Parley of instruments directed by Roy Goodman
from Bach´s "Hunt´" cantata (Recorded in February 1985)

One of Bach´s most well-known and popular pieces, "Sheep may safely graze" comes from the secular cantata No 208, known as the "Hunt Cantata". It was written for the birthday of Duke Christian of Sachsen-Weissenfels in 1713. This air is sung by the mythological figure of Pales, the goddes of crops and pastures, and we hear it here, for once, as Bach wrote it - for soprano accompanied by two recorders and strings.

Very nice. Voice of an angel.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2011 - 22:30

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