The Mystery Of Bulgarian Voices & Music - Tri Bulbula Peiat / 3 Nightingales Singing

ACAPELA. Vokal trio Bulgarka. Song :Tree Nightingales are Singing ( Три Бюлбюла пеят )Stoyanka Boneva ,Yanka Rupkina ,Eva Georgieva

The three female vocalists in the Trio Bulgarka /Yanka Rupkina, Stoyanka Boneva, and Eva Georgieva/ have also performed and recorded with the Sofia Radio Choir, who can be heard on the famous series of Le Mystere des Voix Bulgares albums. The trio's performances, understandably, place considerably greater weight on the harmonic and solo vocal skills of each member. Several respected Bulgarian musicians accompany them on some of the tracks on their album, The Forest is Crying, which was co-produced by Joe Boyd (more famous for producing rock acts such as Fairport Convention and R.E.M.).

The Trio Bulgarka are also part of the group Balkana, have made well-received tours of the U.S. with the Radio Choir, and recorded a few tracks with rock singer Kate Bush.
This second volume of Le Mystere des voix Bulgares features performances by the Bulgarian State Radio and Televison Female Choir and the Female Vocal Choir, Sofia won a GRAMMY award in 1989.
Elica Todorova & Stojan Jankulov - Water Bulgaria - 5th on Eurovision 2007)

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Saturday, July 16, 2011 - 12:49

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