Roadsinger (Yusuf Islam - Cat Stevens)


Yusuf Islam

Roadsinger came to town, long cape and hat
People stood and stared then closed their doors as he passed
He strolled the empty street, kids banged on tin cans
Then the panting dogs began to bark as the roadsinger sang

Where do you go? Where do you go when hearts are closed?
When a friend becomes a stranger nobody wants to know
Where do you go? Where do you go when the world turns dark?
And the light of truth is blown out and the roads are blocked

He stopped by a stall between the barrels and sacks
A child's face peeped out and gave a smile and ran back
Behind a misty glass on a windowpane
A little finger drew a perfect heart and a name

Where do you go? Where do you go in a world filled with fright?
Only a song to warm you through the night
Where do you go? Where do you go after lies are told?
And the light of truth is blown out and the night is cold

Roadsinger rode on to another land
Though the people spoke a different tongue it understand
They showed him how to share and took him by the hand
Showed him the path to heaven through the desert sand

Where do you go? Where do you go to find happiness?
In a world filled with hatred, tears
Where do you go? Where do you go if no one cares?
And everybody's lost looking for theirs


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Friday, April 1, 2011 - 21:07

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