What Are You Doing The Rest Of Your Life? (Barbra Streisand)

What Are You Doing the Rest of Your Life?

Barbra Streisand

What are you doing the rest of your life
North and South and
East and West of your life
I have only one request of your life
That you spend it all with me
All the seasons and the times of your days
Are the nickels and the dimes of your day
Let the reasons and the rhymes of your days
All begin and end with me

I want to see your face in every kind of light
In fields of gold and forests of the night
And when you stand
before the candles on a cake
Oh let me be the one to hear
the silent wish you make

Those tomorrows waiting deep in your eyes
In a world of love you keep in your eyes
I'll awaken what's asleep in your eyes
It may take a kiss or two

Trough all of my life
Summer winter spring and fall of my life
All I ever will recall of my life
Is all my life with you

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 18:26

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