You Don't Bring Me Flowers (Neil Diamond & Barbara Streisand)

You Don't Bring Me Flowers

Barbra Streisand & Neil Diamond


You don't bring me flowers

You don't sing me love songs


You hardly talk to me anymore

When you come through that door at the end of the day...


I remember when you couldn't wait to love me

Used to hate to leave me

Now after loving me late at night


When it's good for you, babe

And you're feeling all right


When you just roll over and turn out the light...

And you don't bring me flowers anymore


It used to be so natural


It used to be...


To talk about forever




But used-to-bes don't count anymore

They just lay on the floor

Till we sweep them away


And baby i remember all the things you taught me


I learned how to laugh and i learned how to cry


Well, i learned how to love and i learned how to lie


So you think i could learn how to tell you goodbye


So you think i could learn how to tell you goodbye

You don't bring me flowers any more...


Well, you think i could learn how to tell you goodbye...


cause you don't say you need me;


You don't sing me love songs;


You don't bring me flowers anymore...

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Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 18:20

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