Menieres Disease And Natural Remedies

Meniere's Disease And Natural Remedies

Meniere's disease is an inner-ear disturbance that may affect one of both ears. This disease includes symptoms such as ringing in the ears, variable loss of hearing, loss of balance, vertigo or dizziness, tinnitus, and a sensation of fullness or pressure. Meniere's disease is rare, with the exact cause or causes being unknoWinchesterwn. However, many experts believe that this disease results from a condition that is known to researchers as endolymphatic hydrops. Endolymphatic hydrops is an excessive swelling of the small, fluid-filled chambers of inner ear. Eventually the pressure and severe disruptions within the inner ear lead to periodic attacks of vertigo. These attacks of vertigo can last from ten minutes to several hours.

During a severe attack, symptom can include nausea, sweating, vomiting, and loss of balance. Mont Blanc Star After the attack, unsteadiness may last for several days. Additionally, impaired blood flow to the brain from clogged arteries and poor circulation may also be involved. This disorder may be triggered by allergies, consumption of alcohol or Buy Mont Blanc Pen caffeine, stress, barometric changes, pregnancy, visual stimuli, experiencing orgasm, sugar, exposure to loud noises, and excessive salt intake. Additional factors that contribute to this syndrome include obesity and high blood cholesterol. Allergies, spasms of the blood vessels that supply the inner ear, and, for women, fluid retention during the premenstrual period may also be linked to Meniere's disease. Other factors that may be involved as well include drug use, smoking, trauma, and TMJ syndrome.

Usually, Meniere's disease usually affects adults, with men more than women. Ages between thirty and sixty are also the most affected. Meniere's disease is an unpredictable disorder and the attacks only occur occasionally. For other individuals, it is severe and can cause complete deafness and repeated, debilitating vertigo.

Unless otherwise specified, the following dosages that are recommended are for adults. A child between the ages of twelve and Buy mont blanc pens seventeen should have a reduced dosage of three-quarters the recommended amount, while a child between six and twelve should receive half the recommended amount. Additionally, a child under the age of six should receive one-quarter the recommended amount.

The following nutrients are crucial in dealing with Meniere's disease. Manganese should be taken in dosages of 5 mg daily, as a deficiency may be the cause of Meniere's syndrome. Chromium picolinate aids in controlling blood sugar levels, which are often higher in people with this disorder. It should be taken in dosages of 200 mcg daily. 100 mg of coenzyme Q10 should be taken daily to improve circulation while 100 mg of vitamin B3 should be taken twice daily to also improve circulation. Vitamin B complex should be taken as directed on the label, as it important for the nervous system.

Vitamin C should be taken in divided dosages of 3,000-6,000 daily in order to boost immune function. Calcium should be taken in dosages of 1,500 mg daily, as it is needed for stability of the nervous system and for muscle contraction. Essential fatty acids should be taken as directed on the label to correct metabolic disturbances, while 1 tbsp of lecithin granules should be taken three times daily before meals for cellular protection and brain function. 200 IU daily of vitamin E should be taken, as it promotes efficient oxygen use. Additionally, butcher's broom, ginger, Prices For Mont Blanc Pens ginkgo biloba, Montblanc Meisterstuck and St

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 - 06:14

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