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3,295 O diário de Vitória Atenéia
3,295 Walt Whitman Poems : We Two Boys Together Clinging Walt Whitman
3,290 Walt Whitman Poems : The Unexpress'd Walt Whitman
3,289 Hitting Home poetpete
3,289 a painting on the side of a Montreal building ccandd96
3,288 Era eu seu brinquedo Atenéia
3,287 an Addax (or two, photographed 05/30/09) ccandd96
3,285 Walt Whitman - From Far Dakota's Canyons [June 25, 1876] Walt Whitman
3,284 Walt Whitman Poems : These I Singing in Spring Walt Whitman
3,282 endless poems kalp
3,282 Walt Whitman - As at Thy Portals Also Death Walt Whitman
3,272 A ilusão da paixão Atenéia
3,271 Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poems : Tears Elizabeth Barre...
3,270 Zebras (photographed 05/30/09) ccandd96
3,270 City- Sins of Man Made Wars vanesitapoet
3,266 Just Can't Breathe ccandd96
3,263 Just Atenéia
3,260 Walt Whitman - Osceola Walt Whitman
3,258 Walt Whitman - Kosmos Walt Whitman
3,257 Elizabeth Barrett Browning Poems : The Soul's Expression Elizabeth Barre...
3,255 Walt Whitman Poems : To a Pupil Walt Whitman
3,252 Apollinaire. ski
3,249 A qualquer momento Atenéia
3,244 William Blake Aforismos : A gratidão ... William Blake
3,244 Walt Whitman - Chanting the Square Deific Walt Whitman
3,243 Maquiavel Aforismos : Uma mudança deixa sempre ... Maquiavel
3,243 William Blake Aforismos : A Energia... William Blake
3,242 Suspiros na escuridão Atenéia
3,239 Destruindo a mim mesma Atenéia
3,237 Novalis Aphorisms : Christianity is the root of all democracy ... Novalis
3,237 Naples airplane ccandd96
3,231 You don't need me Atenéia
3,230 Daydreaming In Art #5 vanesitapoet
3,226 Walt Whitman - As I Walk These Broad Majestic Days Walt Whitman
3,224 O fantasma da velha escola - 11 Atenéia
3,219 Tomb of Ferdowsi 7 (Iran) Seyed Morteza H...
3,219 Walt Whitman Poems : Song of the Redwood-Tree Walt Whitman
3,216 I'm afraid of the truth Atenéia
3,213 Walt Whitman Poems : A Twilight Song Walt Whitman
3,211 Walt Whitman - Beat! Beat! Drums! Walt Whitman
3,208 Escape My Brain Somehow ccandd96
3,207 Precisamos de liberdade Atenéia
3,204 Creer Y Crellendo-Believe and Believing vanesitapoet
3,201 Voter’s Blues poetpete
3,200 The Book Review poetpete
3,199 Coney Island Sunset poetpete
3,194 A verdade Atenéia
3,193 Beware poetpete
3,190 Reason for a Poet. ski
3,190 Além das barreiras Atenéia