Sagração da Primavera - Igor Stravinsky (Disney´s Fantasia 1940 - Parte 3 - Extinção)

The Rite of Spring from Disney's Fantasia. Stravinsky's omonimous score was supposed to be about primitive human rituals, but Disney's animators took a completely different inspiration from it and decided to tell the history of Earth up to the extinction of the dinosaurs. The combination of music and animation is perfect. The second part starts with the evolution of life on Earth and then focuses on the dinosaurs. Please comment and rate. Thanks.

Update: No creationism vs evolutionism discussions here. You can say what you think in the "IMVHO" form. In any case, this page is about Fantasia, Disney, Animation, Art and how awesome dinosaurs are.


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Friday, May 20, 2011 - 22:15

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