
Imagen de miguelmancellos
Título: Moderador Música
Last seen: Hace 7 años 38 semanas
Integró: 07/29/2010
Points: 372

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Tema Respuestas Lecturas
UMA PEQUENA TRAVESSURA... Pensamientos 1.577 Lun,09-Mayo-2011 - 21:59:21
A Arte e o Mundo Pensamientos 1 1.486 Dom,08-Mayo-2011 - 12:10:38
O Egoísmo e a Armadilha... Pensamientos 1.586 Sáb,07-Mayo-2011 - 11:45:17
Se Não Fores Tu a... Pensamientos 2.181 Lun,11-Abr-2011 - 19:43:12
Pensando o "ser... Pensamientos 2 1.686 Lun,28-Mar-2011 - 21:07:38
Se temos o poder de... Pensamientos 1 1.868 Dom,27-Feb-2011 - 11:18:33
Há Magia no Ar. Pensamientos 1.073 Sáb,26-Feb-2011 - 23:56:12
Perspectiva ou... Pensamientos 1.096 Sáb,26-Feb-2011 - 23:30:22
Numa hora de esplanada Pensamientos 890 Sáb,26-Feb-2011 - 23:03:57


Imagen de vera4u91

hello hello My name is vera,

hello My name is vera, i saw your profile today and became intrested in you, I will appreciate your friendship, because I believe that good friend is a Gift of God. i will also like to know you more,and if you can send an email to my email address,i will give you my pictures here is my email address (vera4e@yahoo.com) I believe wecan move from here! Awaiting for your mail to my email address above vera