Daydreaming With Art

My virgin bride yearns to be touched.
I have rejected stroking her jagged skin.
Help me restore life again on your stubbly surface.
Waltzing across your face, wearing a suit woven
with fine camels hair.
Your groom mixes to entice you with bright blue,
illuminating your bronze skin.
As you stand confidently on the catwalk, your features relaxed.
Displaying you for the critiques, my thumb raised with approval.
No more gloom hums the palette, to the song theme of wedding bells.
The artist has reconciled with his bride.
Looking back she recalls all the ladys her master once loved.
A feeling of overwhelming doubt, her beloved will betray her soon enough.
"You turned out just right" being careful that his bride does not hear those words.
Covering her to enslave her, his masterpiece
is complete.
His mood changes, thoughts turning to reality.
He knows that artists daydream to perfect life
on canvas.


By. Vanessa Ramos

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Monday, April 25, 2011 - 06:57

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