Epic Hero

Hero's spirit rode with the wind
A dark globe of water ruled the planet
Light was ordered to shine
Dark and light were named
to begin creation

A dome like covered the planet
Hero commanded a separation
Waters were cut in half
One was called heaven
Other became sea below
Evening and morning were
selected on the third day
Thus hero was satisfied

Waters met dry land
during that time
Land was called earth
Waters gathered together
in a flow of seas

Desolation filled the land
Seas were empty underneath
Hero expanded the both
Seeding plants and trees
brought forth vegetation
Fruits bitter and sweet

Hero saw the need for creatures
Winged ones to watch land and sea
Others living on water, birthing on land
Species both great and small
Some that would creep
Hero was well pleased

An Unidentified Force
was summoned by Hero
Hero asked confirmation
of creating an image
with likeness of both

An image was molded
by soil taken from land
Life was blown into him
A male called Adam was born

Adam was alone
Hero was concerned
Out from his rib
a woman came to exist
Eve was her name

Hero gave them a blessing
Dominion over the beasts
and a warning of choice
on what they were told
not to eat there of

It was time for Hero
to have rest after
seven days of labor

The garden Adam and Eve
were given to tend while Hero's
spirit rode out in the wind
until the next return.

By. Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Saturday, April 23, 2011 - 00:03

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