Poetically Speaking

I am the best poem ever written
The majority looks at me and they write
a verse about me,
never ending verses are written
and I wonder if they really know
anything about me at all

I ,a bowl of fruit; pick and chew
the one you like
I am a toss salad, toss whatever
you will about me, add the best
vinegar and oil to your taste buds

I am a flowering tree, the wind blows
away the stems, and Iam, left naked
but I am still a poem
and much has been left
behind to be written thereof

I like myself as a poem
There is much to say of me
I can be a river and dry up,
and fill myself up;
if I want to

I am free as a bird
since I am a poem
and I fly away
and those that say
they wrote me,
are not aware
of where I’ve been
and I return with
variety of verses
since I am the best
poem ever written

But I won’t stop there,
one day I will be in
the Guinness Book
of World Records
for being the best
poem ever written

but for now,
I have found
the best poem
ever written.


By. Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Sunday, April 24, 2011 - 14:37

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