To He Who Is Nameless

You said on the blog,”All followers of Islam should be deported
        because they are taught to hate the American way of life.”
I agree but then we should deport all Jews because they support Israel
        and Moslems hate them too, so let them fight them over there,
                it will no longer be a problem for us.
But then we’ll have to get rid of the Catholics because their leader
        is the Bishop of Rome and where does their allegiance lie?
Born Agains should go too because they don’t believe in the separation
        of Church and State.
And while we’re at it, let’s get rid of the atheists and agnostics
        because they don’t believe in anything.
Who needs them!
Blacks should go because they’re from Africa,
Mexicans and Hispanics because they don’t speak English,
Asians because there are too many of them
       and Canadians because . . . they’re Canadians.
Republicans have got to go because they’re too conservative
       and back big business
Democrats must leave also, they’re too liberal and support socialistic
       big government.
That will leave only you and me,
      but then I don’t know how much longer I‘ll be able to tolerate you.

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Friday, July 1, 2011 - 03:44

Poesia :

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