I failed to leave with the constant fights.
Separated us from our love.

I fought the storms,
Winds destroyers, messengers of death.
Trying to erase our passion,
Against the Rays insisted that break our hearts.
I fought against earthquakes.
The land that was trying to swallow us and stifle our love.
Against drought that forbade us your fruit,
To keep and feed our meat.

I fought the ocean,
The water has forbidden us to saciarmos thirst of our souls.
Against the currents.
What prevented us from proving the source of life.

Finally fought against time,
Their hours in testing the strength and patience.
Remained strong and secure in your arms.
But it was inevitable to fight the only thing
That could not be overcome.

Our love has lost the war.
Against fatigue of our ages.
But the truth remains that in time
And do not let us be forgotten nor erased by it.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - 00:59

Poesia :

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