Under the starlight live my soulmate.
Blessed by God and loved by all the angels.
When silver shine its image reflected the sea virgin.
Magnify the promise of our utopia.

When you throw me in the garden of our love.
Fancy me in the shadows of my sin.
Drunk and desired by my own desires.
I let myself be carried away by the purity of our hearts.

I get up seduced by the gentle warmth of your robe look.
I found that not the truth out of her eyes,
But the beauty that reveals to be wherever he goes.
Life that gives importance to my existence.

I will turn into pure energy of love.
And far I will reach my existence to you.
To meet my soul mate.
Find us where life becomes the cradle of eternity,
Where time does not have the power to erase, to hurt us.
But where all things are built,
Transformed by our love, blessed by God.
And loved by all the Angels.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - 00:46

Poesia :

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