An angel stirring the calm waters of my heart.
A not-so-forgotten memories within my soul.
You make it rain inside.
Drops of nostalgia, perhaps love. More undoubtedly

The wind carries the leaves of cherry trees
Along your perfume, aroma, sweet and smooth.
Your secret smile,
In the shadows of ancient history.
A distant dream
What brings out your feelings.
Once forgotten.

A man cries in his anguish.
Where is your angel?
Your soul needs comfort.
In the arms of the angel is peace and security.
Give her dreams
Violently torn from her heart.

Horrible things that whip your soul.
Dreams marked with pain and hope.
Cover it with their wings.
Take it from here
Take it to the stars.
Where dreams begin again.
Where memories can not remember the pain,
Where the angels teach us.
And let us not forget to dream and love.

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011 - 01:06

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Title: Membro
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