Brushstroke Upon The Sea We Now Sail

Brushstroke Upon The Sea We Now Sail

I brush the stroke that led to advice, the chapter bleeds while living in despite
message flows within the breeze, yet I'm frozen in such a lonely place
this just doesn't feel right, I don't seem to exist
uptight and loosely knotted upon the early sun
weak upon stilts yet I'm finally free, frozen in memory
beauty rests within the meet, eyes lock on to whom shall believe
the feel of nervous takes its toll, calm yet shaky I erase this tone
the clap of hands to announce this dream, easily traced with the equal amount
I am terrified if I must leave today, this is where I threw my love away, forgotten times upon display

I toss aside all that is known, creating phases where I am blessed to receive
all that is share to all that I give, minutes must pass where I must truly live
I forgot my path, I am lost within space, yet I couldn't have a better crew to travel with
now the winds begin to soar passed memories that lie upon the shore
weakness stands no more, where only love rest within what we adore
broken and hollow I receive no more, forgotten with time I now dream ashore
we find ourselves sailing away, upon the sea we now rest assured
suddenly alone the tears we shed, fill the emptiness we feel while alone it spreads
with love we now dread of the times ahead
visions now send the images afar, trapped within the walls we defend
remember forever the tears that now shed, while alone we fear the darkness that lies ahead

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 02:04

Poesia :

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