Daydreaming In Art #9

Oscar walked into the house in a drunken stupor.
He had been on a binge
Bill was not at the pub.
There was no one to talk too.

The pub was louder than usual,
A Navy ship had docked near by,
sailors were in town, women
were laughing and carrying on,

He could hear the heels stomping,
with the music, smoke was everywhere,
cigars, pipes, cigarettes, and the strong
smell of cheap perfume.

Oscar couldn’t take it anymore, he
walked out, hailed a cab and yelled
at the Pakistani driver to hurry up.

He smelled the oils everywhere, his
apartment was filled with the aroma
of paints, he couldn’t wait to see Jenna.

She would understand his feelings, the
anger built inside of him, he wanted to
see her pure body, to forget the smell
of the women at the pub.

Jenna was still there where he had left her,
the moon’s glare on the canvas, he
had forgotten to close the curtains and
became angrier, angry because maybe
there was a slight chance that someone

had seen her naked figure.

Oscar suddenly picked up the painting
In a disgusted frame of mind, slamming
it down on the Parquet floor, shouting,
“ how could you humiliate me like this Jenna”
The old man was a control freak, and he was
now his father!



Vanessa Ramos

Submited by

Saturday, August 13, 2011 - 15:35

Poesia :

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