Enough Blood Spilled

You have chiseled
a way in and out
out my life, I
am blowing away in
the air to chips of
sawdust; no longer
having a crutch
of support.

your idea of love
is to reel me in:
scrape me naked
to the bone
scatter the scales
of skin and cast
them across the
sea of desertion

how long will this
go on, till you
disintegrate into
an atom of your
pompous practices?

this game you play
of hiding your
insecurity in seclustion
batter any chance
of us; draining the
flow of blood running
through my ventricles

appearing at sunset,
fading away with the moon's
blue persona

enough blood has
been spilled,
"Time to dress my wounds"


By. Vanessa Ramos 

Submited by

Wednesday, May 4, 2011 - 13:10

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