Hello Darkness My Old Friend I've Come To Talk To You Again

Hello darkness my old friend
while the streets called out for hope
where I once stood

in dreams I walk along
following halos burning in the neon light, a demise
but when I saw that look in her eye
I felt a presence nothing more
like silence creeping into the seeds of life
where a picture is all that remains

in light I saw
a vision of a picture holding faith in the night
catching the sound of silence

where one may wish upon a dying star
no one hears, yet one knows
where the truth is taken wrong
and the action is belonging to the words of the prophets

I've come to talk to you again
about an idea that was caught while sleeping in the field of roses
that captured my heart
of narrowed roads with a split of life
in the isle of shadows
where speaking is listening yet no one understands
like my cares

so with this cup I share to all
a piece of life that holds the truth
of what we all seek
in silence

so I write this now
to remind, to turn into the wind
with a holler, catching the sound of grace
words of wisdom
where the words written on this page
spill the act of strength
seeking guidance
where I'm searching to be found

yet the echo reaches me
in a solitary moment in time
where the answer was spoken within whispers
forming a song in the freezing rain
the sound swept away within the night
now I'm left within question
praying to receive something other than a riddle

they bow, yet they pray
flashing warning
within the sound of silence
we gather in praise

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Tuesday, May 3, 2011 - 01:17

Poesia :

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Title: Membro
Last seen: 13 years 46 weeks ago
Joined: 05/02/2011
Points: 285

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